The chaosphere is the favorite magickal tool for chaos magicians, or those initiated into the IOT (Illuminates of Thanateros), The physical chaosphere has a very extense variety of uses from which some will be explained here.

Meditation with the Sphere

1. The chaosphere is the symbol from the primitive Bing Bang, considered perhaps like a 'frozen
explosion' or even 'frozen information'. Concentrate on the chaosphere en in relax state
gazing it from an angle of 180° if you like. After a while close your eyes and meditate on
the creative energies of chaos. Chaos is not disorder simply abandon by entrophy alone
but more like the total sum of possibilities included in the totality of existence and in
the unmanifested. This way you will open the doors of the magickal multiverse for your
personal gain.
2. Proceed along the process explained before while meditation upon the famous quote by
Nietzsche in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." 'I tell to you": 'a man needs chaos inside of him
to give birth to a dancing star'."I tell to you": 'you truly have chaos inside yourselves'.
You can use this declaration by being read by a partner or friend during meditation
or use a recording of yourself saying this phrase over and over as a mantra.
Charge a Sigil employing the chaosphere:
1. In replacement of other charging methods you can project or activate
magically a sigil with the help of meditation with or along the chaosphere
(mentioned before), the preferred banishing method is by laughter (the inmediate
step to follow through) then forget completely or as best you can of the magickal
operation to avoid undesire interferences cause by the rational mind.

Obtaining energy with the help of the chaosphere:
1. This should be perform preferable after a meditation with the sphere;
fixed your eyesight for a while into the chaosphere and extend the
palms of your hands to the sphere, now close your eyes completely
and start to aspire the energies of chaos, feel the air entering through
the palm of your hands, while inhaling; exhaling distributing the
energies all over the body or you can almacenate them on the Hara
(Aprox. three fingers below the belly button) you will experience
these energies probably as a hot current or cold and a slight
buzzing sensation.
Telepathy by employing the chaosphere:
1. During this experiment the participants should concentrate on the chaosphere
(it can be done with the participants on different locations); be aware through
relaxation to any messages, images or visions from the unconscious. More
advanced magicians will find that this experiment can done with success despite
large distances and even if the practitioners don't do the experiment
simultaneously, cause chaos (pure information) is not limited to space and time.
Astral projection and lucid dreaming by employing the chaosphere:
1. Use the method of fixating your gaze to and angle of 180° in respect
to the chaosphere till you experience a strong suction from the sphere,
dragging you to it's ' psychic bowels'; often times practitioners report
a strong physical opression, just let go and flow to the suction momentum
and let your astral body emerge gradually. At the beginning this should
be practice partially, this is cause the portion of the astral body
exracted increased gradually with each tentative experiment. You can
for example project only the half of your arm the first time, the whole
arm next time, etc. Finally the whole astral body need to emerge on it's
totallity, keep in mind that the astral projection can require weeks or
even months of dedicate practice in order to succed, this also depends
on the talent and personal inhibitions. This technique can also be employ
to extract the magical etheric doble, shadow self, personal demons etc.
2. Just before falling asleep visualize the chaosphere as clear as possible
and continue with the instructions mentioned before. This will induce
an astral projection or lucid dream or both more stronger. This has shown
to have a tremendous range, but it is suggested firmly to practice after you
have practice this techniques for a while (if you throw yourself without
previous preparation to do risky mental work you'll start to weaken yourself
without you even knowing; this can alter and inhibit your control of magical
energies and lead to obsession). Also you can wake up at 4 am and practice
this exercise por a few minute before falling to sleep again. Try to take
notes on your dreams on the next morning, don't trust on your memory alone.
Activating servitors with the chaosphere:
1. Just like we have seen, the chaosphere is an excelent receptacle
of energy and a storage battery, that can be used for the creation
of magical servitors using the same technique we mentioned before
for charging sigils; so in this matter the sphere becomes a door
to enter to the chaos star and from which the magical entities
will charge according to the magicians will and intent.
Charging objects with magick using the chaosphere:
1. Magickal objects like talismans, amulets, rings, necklaces, etc.
They can be charge with the help of the sphere if we put them
over, under, on, wrapped, near the chaosphere, while we direct
the energies of chaos to the objects.

By Neonfaust
The Vortex Rite.
Due to legalities imposed by the IOT, I am unable to post the Vortex Rote in its entirety. The Vortex was written by Peter Carroll, and the IOT has chosen to restrict any exact reprint, in any medium, of the original work. So much for that.
There is nothing in copyright laws, however, to keep me from describing the ritual to you (I checked), so here's a synopsis of the rite. Keep in mind that this is not the original form in which it was presented by Carroll; however, all of the elements of the working are reproduced in my own words.
Stand up.
Take a few good, deep breaths. Relax.
Stomp your foot on the floor and cry out HUT (meaning "start")
Extend both index fingers and bring them together in front of you. Say XIQUAL UDINBAK, which means roughly "manifest chaos". Visualize a point of light at your fingertips.
Separate the fingers so that you draw a vertical line before you. Say XIQUAL UZARFE, D'KYENG. This means, roughly, "manifest aethyr, Planck's constant". Aethyr is buzzing with potential, Planck's constant is total contraction. Visualize the astrological symbol for Saturn at the top of the vertical line, and the Greek letter "psi" at the bottom.
Bring the index fingers back together, but keep visualizing the lines and the symbols at either end.
Draw a line with the fingertips perpendicular to the first line, saying XIQUAL KUDEX, EACHT (roughly, manifest light and darkness). At either end of the line, visualize, respectively, a sphere of light and one of total blackness.
Repeat step 6.
Draw another line at a 45-degree angle to the first two. Say XIQUAL ASHARA, DIJOW - roughly, manifest fire and air (they also mean energy and time, respectively). A variety of symbols can be used to represent the two, including personally-created sigils. I tend to use the old alchemical triangles myself, but that's just the traditionalist in me talking.
Repeat step 6.
Last line! Perpendicular to the one in step 9, with the phrase XIQUAL THALDOMA,NOBO (roughly, water and earth, or space and mass). Just like step 9, really. Use whatever symbols do it for you.
Take your time, and make sure that you can fully visualize all of the lines and symbols. Don't try to control color; just let it come to you as it will (this is one way to discover your octarine).
Say XIQUAL ONGATHAWAS (manifest the vortex), and make a gesture with your left hand which suggests setting a wheel spinning to you. This can range from the twitch of a finger to the sweep of an arm.
Use your breath to speed up the initial spin. With each inhalation and exhalation, make the whirl go faster and faster. Keep doing this until it appears 3-dimensional, as if you could thrust your arm into it.
Your vortex is now open! Shout out XIQUAL CHOYOFAQUE (manifest the work of chaos), or, if so inclined, some other phrase. It can be in any language you choose. It really doesn't matter (this is true of all the steps outlined. Using a weird tongue like Ouranian Barbaric helps distract the conscious mind, and thus the psychic censor).
Go about whatever business you've set out to do.
When you're all finished with your vortex, get the visualization strong again.
Point the index finger of your left hand at it and query ANGBIX (how?) Then your middle finger and ask POHUTH? (why)?, and finally your thumb with the question WOKAC? (what?). These are the three basic questions of materialism/science, spirituality/religion, and magick, respectively, per Carroll's aeonic theories.
See the triangle formed by the three outstretched fingers? Visualize it as a sort of volume control, a solid triangle. Turn the "knob" counterclockwise to shut the vortex off, with a shout of AEPALIZAGE "immanentize the eschaton." For a full description of what the Eschaton is, it's best to refer to Carroll's works, then come back here and post about it so everyone can disagree with each other until we figure out what exactly an eschaton is to each of us :=}
Of course, different people find variations on this working which have better effects for them. This is only how I myself do it - for myself, I find that using a tone of voice matched to the intent of the working(s) to follow the vortex does better for me. Another person I've worked with draws the lines in different planes, rather than as four lines on a flat surface. In any case, the basic symbolism is a mimicry of the process by which the universe itself manifested from quantum soup.
It's an excellent, all-purpose kind of working, and due credit should be given to Carroll for devising it.