Throughout the history of humanity, due to the cultural development and/or spiritual of
social groups, have develop different concepts about things; concepts that have been
modified throughout time to the point of being contradictory and/or oppossed concepts
to their origins, either cause of loss of knowledge, or the gatekeepers who strive to
keep the power to keep hidden or "occult" this ancient knowledge.
The term magic derives from magi, one of the religious elements incorporated by the
magicians of ancient Babylon. There where magicians on Rome, Greece and almost all
over the ancient occident and oriental world, when magic or witchcraft where
popular they were related to ancient rites of fertility and initiation in the
knowledge on the barbaric towns.
Magic is the act or explicit representation by the way an individual believes
to demonstrate and recognize the existence of one or many deities or forces
that have power over his own destiny in this life, to whom he obeys, serves
and honor.
Mage or Magician from Mag or Mah this word is the root from which the term
"Magical." stems from. The Maha- atma (Great soul or spirit ) from India
had his monks on the times before the vedas. The magicians where monks
from the fire God; we can find them between the syrians and the babilonians
the same between the persian who worship the fire. the three wise men from
who they made presents made of gold, incense and Mirrah to the baby Jesus
they where fire worshippers like everyone else and the astrologers, since
they saw the star of the born one. The high priest of the parsis in Surat
is appointed with the designated name of Mobed, others akin this name to
Megh Meh-ab meaning something bigger and noble.
Magicians have existed since the beginning under many disguises, myths
lore, legends and so on.
Ancient civilizations were filled with accounts of medicine man, shamans, priests
Wizards, regarding them as the wisest amongst the communities, people with sometimes powers or abilities.
The truth is that since the beggining of time, some man has set upon their quest to understand the world outside but as well the inner one, seetting themselves on a quest for knowledge or "Gnosis"
This path is anything but easy, specially since this type of knowledge has been suppres, manipulated, into other narratives with more nefarious intents.
It's at this point very tiring at least from my perspective that the occult is still very taboo or sybject to ridiculed, fear, etc.
to be honest a lot of the entertainment industry is at fault as well as religious stigma, we are at a time were true magicians, adepts, witches, wizards, truthseekers or whatever label you find more convenient for you, to come together and discuss, open dialogue, instead of online bashing and ego.
We are at a time that a lot is going on, mostly under the bridge, don't get me wrong there are people who obviously will missused this knowledge, but that's life a lot of people will be very careless and wreckless behind the wheel but anyone can buy and drive a car, so my point is if people will find themselves curios about this path i think they should be able to be informed about what that entails, the reality is a lot of folks out there will have this idea that magick or witchcraft will make you a millionaire overnight, stuff like that and it doesn't quite work like that.
People in general need to know that this reality is very dense like, therefore things take time to manifest into a solid concrete thing you can experience, magick will help you get your life, but mostly yourself into a cohesive self ( mind, body, spirit working in perfect sinergy)
so that you can see the paths of where you want to take your life into, of course this involves a lot of self work, that's why a lot of adepts can get discouraged along the way, kind of how people who have tried The secret, don't get the results they want, cause is not just about having a vision board and wishing or imagining, the thing is taking action, many people will fail to take action through vibrating their emotions into actions that will be the starting point for their goals and dreams. Believe every adept goes through experiences of failures when trying to manifest specific goals, the thing is like in some grimoires explain, chaos is an ever present energy that is all around us, we are not chaos, we use chaos, therefore like the egyptian lore we cronfront Aphophis again and again, so spect some chaos manifestations along the way, some people called it the the lay of morphy, which anything that can't happen happen, in magick this manifests as minor disruptions in your daily life regardless of what your aiming in ritual, there is going to be some form of chaos, in my expierence this can be manifested as for example your headphones breaking down, stuff like that
Like not specifically tragedies per say but a form of chaos in some way that can annoy but at the long run you realized it was worth having that chaotic energy manifested in that specific way.
Sharing a bit my personal experience specially this couple of weeks, i had to stay over my sister's house to watch over her cats and place, but since it's been raining a lot this couple of months, i kinda forget that i'm alergic to to much humidity so if a house is filled with to much humidity i get asthma like symptoms, so i had to deal with being sick all week, couldn't practice magick as i like to practice, my computer had also problems so that's why i haven't posted in a while now, also a very good friend of mine offer me a project but with my laptop still down haven't be able to start on that. so i've been dealing with a lot of anxiety, stress and general discomfort even some tarot readings from the get go told me where my energy is, so the point that i want to make by sharing this is that sometimes this things are inevitable, but what we can control is our perception and reaction to life's chaotic nature. Is not easy believe me, but i think is all perspective and use this experiences as a way of going forward no matter what, resilience is a trademark for the adept, our whole journey is about integrating both darkness and light, both chaos and order, so even if you think magick isn't working for you or that you failed in your ritual or spell, in my experience we just have to accept this manifestations of chaos and try to see beyond it.
If you consider yourself a thelemite or you use Crowley's path as a pathworking you have to be aware that Babalon teaches that to accept both aspects the beauty and the filth
Don't get me wrong it is a struggle as i'm writing this im feeling anxious about the things that i want to do with this site, pending projects and so on. Globally we are still dealing with the pandemic, lots of chaos all over so it is overwhelming, but again if you're reading this from a place of comfort meaning you have a roof under your head, food, clothing, internet, friends and family consider yourself blessed and just try to be patient and just keep going
I do feel that we as adepts if we change ourselves and our reality we can help bit by bit change the course of this tide, thank you for reading and supporting this, as soon as i get my full laptop back i will be updating the site as well as the instagram.
By Frater Cmg.