We are the oldest organization of the world. When man was born
we were already here. We sang the first llullaby, cure
the first wound, comforted the first terror. We were the
guardians against evil, the left side helpers. the old
cave paintings on the Pyrenees remember us an so are the
clay handcrafted art made by an old purpose when the world
was just new, our hand was on the old stone circles,
the monolith, the dolmen, the druid oak. We sang the first
hunting songs and we gave birth to the first crops. When
man was naked and vulnerable before the powers that made him,
we sang the first song of terror and wonder, celebrated the
pyramids, we saw Egypt rise and fall, we govern for a while on
Caldea and Babylon, we were the three wise man, we sat between
the secret assembles of Israel and we danced the wild and
majestic dances on the sacred forests of Greece.
On China and Yucatan, on Kansas and Kurdistan we are one
All organizations had known us, but we belong to no other;
we belong when there's too much organization, we parted
We are on the side of man, of life and the individual,
So we are against organized religion, moral and
Goverment. That's why our name is "Lucifer". We're on
the side of freedom, of love, happiness, laughter and
joy and divine Drunkeness;
For our name be thy Divine

Sometimes we move openly, sometimes on silence and
Day and night are one for us; the calm and the storm
the seasons and the cycles of man; all this things
are one and the same, cause we are the root.
Beseech we stand before the powers of life and death
and we are heard by this powers and we take advantage
from them. Our way is the secret path, the unknown
direction, Our way is the path of the serpent on
the brushwood and our knowledge is in the eyes of
Goats and women.
It is our own strength that sometimes displaces
coils of jewels and [...] powerful pinions in the
chest of man. Our power is one with the power that
makes a God agitate on the core of the seed.
Which makes the Cocoon bloom in flowers and fruits
Every time a man and woman unite in essence in a
sustance, our power is that sustance.
Merlin was one of us as well as Gawain, Arthur,
Rabelais,Giordano Bruno, Catulo, Gilles de Retz,
Jehanne d'Arc, Cagliostro, Francis Hepburn
Gellis Duncan, Swinburne
And Eliphas Levi, and many other bardos, magus,
Poets, known and uknown Martyrs that carried
our flag against the multiform omnipresent
enemy: The Church and State and when that
Vermin straight from hell called the christian
church kept all Occident on a slavery of Sin,
Death and terror, we and only we carry hope
to the heart of man; Despite the dungeon and
The stake and bonfire.
We are the Witchcraft and altough we don't know
each other, we are united by a indissoluble
vincule and when the accute wild yell of the
Eagle sounds in your mind, you must know you
Are not alone in your desire for freedom, and
the howl of a wolf sounds on the forests of
your night, you should know that there are
also those who are around. And when the ways
of your fellow men seem to you the ways of idiocy
And madness, you should know that there are also
others who have seen and judged - and acted.
Now know that the power we serve resides in the
heart of every man and woman, as the tree lives
in the seed.
