The Midnight Gospel (Netflix) Is an online series in which trough different spiritual traditions like Buddhism, different Magical currents like Alquemy, tarot, the kabbalah, Ceremonial Magick, etc. The aim is to look for the meaning of life, death and existence itself.
The series develops itself through 8 episodes, the first 7 representing the stages of alchemical transformation, which the sole objective is to reach the Opus Magnum. In this case looking to ascend the spirit to a more perfected state in each stage, till it reaches it’s more pure state achieving absolute perfection.
And just like the first 7 notes on the musical scale leads to an octave note, which is a repetition of the first in a higher level of vibration, these 7 episodes lead us to the eight one in which we go to a deeper level within the consciousness of our lead character. We will see “Clancy” (Duncan Trussell’s Main Character) Re incarnate in different “Avatars” Having in each one a “Teacher” or “Guru” (The secondary character whose being interviewed) and learning something new in each episode.

Episode 1: Use of Drugs
In this first episode the main teacher in a way are “drugs” as a means to elevate one’s own consciousness and not in a recreative way, in this episode the conversations centers around an interview with Dr. Drew and they discuss the different perceptions of society towards the use of drugs or mind altering substances. In each episode every time Clancy dies (When he enters the simulation machine he uses an avatar and therefore this avatar “Dies” but each death is a step closer to “Enlightenment” )since he’s third eye (7th Chakra) open’s up gaining a new awareness of self-that’s how he connects to the “Divine” so he can unravel the purpose of each incarnation. The purple hat of a magician he wears indicates he is an initiate of the mysteries.
Episode 2: Death and Pain
The teacher in this case is death and pain through the perspective of a cow that goes through a slaughterhouse, which see’s death and pain as an intrinsic part of life, and how love can help cope with that reality. In this episode our lead character takes as an avatar Abraxas a deity of Egyptian and Greek origin considered “The great Archon” Makes appearances in renowned texts by famous occultist (and founder of Teosophy) H.P Blavastsky as a mystic word precursor from Abracadabra.
Episode 3: Magick
The Teacher in this case is Damien Echols who tells Clancy about Ceremonial magick, the history, and the correlations with other spiritual traditions like Buddhism, thelema, chaos magick and more and how humans has been accessing to this knowledge and energy for millennia to grow spiritually or to manifest a specific desire into the physical plane.
Episode 4: Love and Forgiveness
Love becomes the main teacher being a medium that help us by forgiving and releasing many different burdens from the person doing it. Rumi (Persian mystic and author as well as poet is heavily quoted).
Episode 5: The Samsara wheel and the prison planet.
The concept of Samsara is our main source knowledge in this episode, where a person is doomed to repeat the same cycle over and over again, if he doesn’t free himself from his own personal karmas and dharmas. We have an encounter with the Egyptian balance in which if your karmas (“bad or evil deeds or actions) get weight on the scale against a feather and if your actions weight more than the feather of truth the devour will eat your heart and you get back to the physical prison of the “body” without getting to ascent to what is known as “The Aaru” (dwelling place of gods)There’s also a reference to Dante’s nine circles of hell. A lot of the main focus on the series is that of chaos within order and order within chaos.
Episode 6: The Back of your mind:
Here Clancy learns about meditation and different traditions that practices this spiritual discipline through different analogies we learn the basics and fundaments of mindful meditation, by learning to flow with our thought process instead of trying to force it to nothingness. By being aware of our own breath we can start to develop a meditation practice. Just be here now (Ram Dass)
Episode 7: The Tarot
Here the major arcana cards of the tarot play a main role, which you can say these are the different stages a person or initiate has to go through on his journey to “Enlightenment” starting with the card “The Fool” the major spread if you will that appear on this episode are also The Magician, The Emperor, The Devil, Death or Arcana XIII and The Judgment, the symbolism is mind blowing in this episode and we even see the diagram of the Kabbalistic tree of life making several appearances indicating the journey of any adept moving through Malkuth to Kether through the different sephirot.
Episode 8: From Within
Here the teacher is clancy’s mother itself, wich is the painful memory clancy has been avoiding stopping him from transcending and ascending in his path, by being too attached to suffering and pain that the passing of his mother cause to him, we start to unravel clancy’s path through each episode was his way to grieve her and move on by trying to understand the nature of death and the meaning of life by different spiritual traditions and pathworking. Clancy was searching for a way to be free from his pain and grieve of a son’s broken heart by the death of his mother. Clancy finally gets closure by going beyond beginnings and endings (like the ouroboros) he ascends and he encounters his teachers by becoming one himself.

This is by far one of the best animated series I have ever seen, is so different and original that really words start to escape is as complex as trying to put into words the experience one can have with sacred medicines and psychedelics, for any adept of any occult tradition this is a must watch, you can clearly see yourself as Clancy and his many avatars as a remembrance of your magickal and spiritual path.