Ars Magic(k)a

We initiate the journey as the fool, not knowing with certainty where the first step will lead you.
This is how i connected again with that novice and curioser who feels a fascination with the mystery, the unknown, what lies beyond our mundane senses. To catch a glimpse into the magickal code of the inserrection ones.
those who question, who ache, who don't fit..
The shadow lurkers
and the light returners.
Cinemamagick The awaken of the sleeper ones.

We enter into the magickal reality of the Aurea Abbey (Abadía Aurea) a house located in Argentina, a space, a safehaven, refuge, magickal order, an spiritual research center if you willl, an academy of the unseen arts.
A place where one can encounter (whatever it is you're looking for) and be an initiate of the mysteries...
The unconventionals, the rebels, the insurrected ones, the caotes, the thelemites, The Ritualists, the gnostics, the buddhists, etc..
A place to reconcile opposites and to remmeber that the aspirant of magician learns from all traditions and reconciles his own Saviour self and Adversarial self...
To ascent into the brightest of lights and dive into the darkest of shadows.
With an objective of elevate the human consciosness a place when one can be incite into be who you really are, without dogma, judgment, prejudice.
I can´t help but to think Grant Morrison's Hypersigil taken into the next level, beyond ink and paper and into the consensus physical reality.

Luminara, Auric de Grey, and Erebus the founders of the Abbey
manifesting their magickal identities into the physical plane.

Magick is the art and science of changing one's state of consciousness into a state suceptable to change by will alone.
in the documentary's context by using symbols, thr tribalistic nature of ritual and performance arts one can cause change both internally and eternally.

This intercultural magickal community apart from combining the study and practice of different magical traditions, pantheons, pathworkings they combine the aesthetics, method of ceremonial magick, with performance both teathrical and street performance.
if one has to imagine what areal life group of insurrect people coming together with a goal in mind (The invisibles, The matrix awakened ones, X men, Avengers even) i would say the The Shadow Conclave is the real one, a group of movers, shakers, anarchists, insurrects, awakened ones, magicians, that seek to awaken's man ignorant and sleepy state. Through Magickal operations that resembles different insurrect groups in the early thousands like the infamous online collective known as DKMU.
But seeing a caote magickal operation like this feel's me with inspiration, emotion beyond my self.
is like seeing live DKMU operations instead of reading about it it's just amazing to be able to watch this more than just a film, documentary is a rite of initiation.

The drama of the performance enhances their magickal operations an echange of energy between the perfomancers and the public, bypassing and hacking the unconcious, feeding upon their energies and releasing the blessings for the seeker.

Magick To awaken
Spiraling down the rabbit hole
down the unawakened man goes
Looping into an neverding ouroboros of consume, produce, distract never question
Never think
You'll be Judge if you do.
Here lies the Calling Card of the agents of Chaos
Calling you
Whispering you on the shadows
To Seek them as you seek truth
Daring you to Act.

Perfomancy or perfomagick is an amalgation o Ceremonial magick, other traditions with theatrics, street performance, which are real acts with a magickal behind every act.
Disrumping the mundane awareness of the masses are one of this operations.
To awaken higher states of being both internally and externally.

This is one of the best multimedia magickal acts, with intention, with inner fire of their personal alchemy, Gnosis.
we are taken to a intiatory into the discordian order of the disorder
Where there's no dogma
Only Self
Be your self
You're Aunthentic self is one of the many abbey's Mantras.
Question Everything
there's no absolutes
Nothing is true, eveything is permitted.

Welocome to the insurrection
to the awakening of the slepping man
who's only desire is to pierce the veil of illusion
The Veil of maya
Trascending and uniting with his own opposites
Enjoy the Show
Here enjoy this amazing documentary that trascend's stereotypes and prejudices in a reality that only seeks to numbs into an undertow of emptiness
Here a group of mages, initiates, adepts are lifting the thin veil
of the Divine, of the infernal, of the fantasy within to awaken our true will
and step into the alchemical fire.
Trascend the Abyss
Descend to Thaumiel
Ascend to Keter
Do you dare?
By Frater Cmg.