We all are aware of the material reality we live in, this "consensus reality" is share by the collective human consciousness, but if you're reading this you are one of those humans who have this nagging feeling within that there's more to this reality than the capitalist ourobororos modern societies wants us to live in.
those of us who had eperiences beyong our normal comprehension know that there more to life than our five senses can pick up, it is evident just by simply being aware that our normal sight can't even see the signals that our phones radiate, our wireless modems, and so on and so forth.
This is when magick enters the room, those of us who ever since our childhood have an inner gnosis about it, that's why we feel compelled to books of fantasy, sci-fi tv shows, movies, books of mystery and horror etc.
in my perspective magick is that hacking code written within all of us but has been obscure by all the restrictions implanted by our parents, society and so on, to the point that where we grow up, most "normal" people forget about it, they might believe in a Deity, but to certain extent, they are still living the rat race (not saying work is bad or anything ) but the global change that happened last year, clearly exposed the holes in this system, with all the shutdowns on external distractions, they leave those integrated within the system in a very vulnerable state (the statitics on mental health issues, domestic violence and suicide rates has triple since this pandemic started) because they were so accostume to all the eternal distractions than it became like this domino effect on a global scale.
Magick as a spiritual tool to force change within and outside of us.
Paraphrising Aleister Crowley magick is the art and science of causing change to ocurr in conformity with will, well this seems easy right? in a sense it is but at the same time not and let me tell you why, it all comes down to our programming we all have fallen into the spell (how ironic isn't) of this sytem that from birth we all have been told what to think, believe and do, falling prey to this demiurgic opression of consciousness so believeing in something like "magick" is farfetched specially as an adult. Yet it is fine to believe in an all power invisible Deity that will punish you if you don't think, speak and do as he says.
Religion and politics to me are one of the biggest occult societies there is, just look how for ages the power they have into the world.
They use occult knowledge to enslave instead of freedom and ascention, is all about power to them is so hypocritical to me, their lust and hunger for power is insatiable.
At the same time with the arrival of the internet there's been an emerging of magicians and occult authors releasing their knowledge for the web masses, the acces of occult knowledge has never been that easy before, in thelemic therms we are in the age of Horus, where we are slowley reclaiming our power and ourselves back.
Is our time to rise, claim what is rightfully ours and remember the truth.
The Conondrum of Magick
For those who are starting this path or are experience practitioners magick can be a tough ground, specially with manifesting.
Let me tell you a lot of problems of trying to manifest A, B, C and so on, sometimes is because we are blocking that manifestation within (talking in my experience i know i am the biggest block) magick is not just maniesting we have to remember that our art goes beyond the law of attraction, we are transforming ourselves with every ritual, meditation, declarations and intent, so we have to confront ourselves, use our insecurities, fears, anxieties and so on work on using them as fuel instead of letting them destroy us. this is a process and it takes time (we have to remember this is a life path of transformation, is not like dowloading a song from the web or buffering a youtube video, that's the problem with being a millenial magician we have to accept it and be patient) for my generation and the younger ones this is an issue we have to work on, because we have been grown into this internet driven society so lust for results is one of the blocks on our road that we have to overcome and be patient with our magickal journey, this is not a hubby, magick is what we are.
Starting magick with any tradition and path is not easy but if you're call to it in this incarnation since you're reading this, then pursuit no matter what, there's going to be good and bad times, mistakes cause magick is all about experimentation, times when you will want to abandon everything and be just like any "normal" person, but my advice is not to give up, no matter how hard the trials are, i'm no expert whasoever but i'm telling you this through my own experience, just keep going.
And just like The movie "The Matrix" become the neo of your reality (if you remember the film neo is like the neophite magician who have trouble believing in himself as well as magick, with magick being able to see the code and hacking it to his will, our lifetime is all about reaching for that moment when true gnosis comes down to ourselves and we realize we are our own Gods.
By Frater CMG
