It is well know that the human body produces an energetic field, and the food, the beverages we drink have an impact on that field, we use the energy of the foods that we ingest to do the things we need to during the day. But our Energetic field is more complex than we have told, in the next image you will see a kind of diagram if you will of the diferrent levels of the energetic field.

There's a variety of spiritual practices that teaches different techniques of energy circulation (Tai chi, Chi Kung, Kundalini Yoga, Chan Budhhism, Ceremonial Magick, etc.) i will focus on this post on Ceremonial Magick as a tool for energy circulation, starting with the most basic Ritual that any practitioner most learn first.
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram or LBRP for short.
The most know aspect of this ritual is for getting rid of unwanted energies of your temple or room, space where you're performing you're spiritual practices as the name points it out, the main focus is for banishing on the external(get rid of possible parasitic energies that we may have pick up from other people or places) as well as in the internal(balance emotions, feelings and the general state of mind) worlds. But this ritual is more than just that it can be used for protection, invocation and to expand and streghten your whole energetic field (see image above)
The first part of the ritual is to draw energy into you this process is call the Kabalistic cross in this section of the whole operation, you touch differen point within your physical and astra body and while you're at it you say words of power in this case Names of the sephirot according to the tree of life(See diagram below)

Afterwards we start by drawing the pentagrams around us we can draw the on the air usually starting East either clockwork wise or counterclock wise it depends on you're intention we can use our index finger or if you can a ritual dagger known as "Athame" and after you unite every pentagram (when one draw's a pentagram afterwards you perform what is know as "the sign of the enterer" and "the sign of silence) you then perform the invocation and visualization in the traditional case of the 4 principal "Archangels" (You of course can change this ritual to your system of beliefs or personal pathworking if "Angels" don't fit in your current paradigm you can change it, like instead imagine the chakras or anything really, that's up to the practitioner to decide, See both diagrams below)

After the invocations and visualizations have been done we proceed to repeat the kabalistic cross process to end the ritual (also you can tweak this process and adapt it to your current paradigm and pathworking.
So this ritual is Key to more advance rituals if you're into ceremonial or high magick, i personally practice it very often and i have tweak it into a left hand path approach, i'll leave you with a video by the great Damien Echols explaining the energetic body and the LBRP.