Entheogen: Greek. Entheos: Full of God. Genesthai: To come into being
"Generating god within." "Manifesting the god within."
Psychedelic: Greek. Psyche: Mind/soul, Delos: Manifest.
"Mind manifesting, or the mind that manifests."
Shamanic plant, Shamanic medicine: A psychedelic or Hallucinogen that is used
with a shamanic tradition
So we stand upon a threshold which through history's time passage were pivotal
to the Archaic Revival of the 60's, The psychedelic Re-lovetion.
Archaic Techniques of ecstasy
The use of "drugs" to alter consciousness has been recorded throughout history, specially by those deemed as "shamans"
Stanislav Grof, M.D. Psychiatric, author and Consciousness researcher:
" Psychedelics are a nonspecific amplifier o your current mental states.
The psychedelic, hallucinogetic, or fantastica, the psychotomemetic all of these qualities
that has been ascribed to these sacraments referred to as entheogens".
There's no evidence that this substances (insert preferred term here) are of an addictive
nature, quite the opposite (Mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, iboga, cannabis) you can take
them and not tae them again for years. it can be psychological addictive like any new
experience if you love it, and want to have that experience again and again.
Look at your own Pharmaecopia, look at the drugs that your taking and know their side-effects
and how many people a year have died from inhaling marihuana = 0.

Bicycle day

On April 19 of 1943 Chemist Albert Hoffman, discover LSD by experimenting on his laboratory while trying to force certain chemical reaction to produce certain chemical, he discover by accident lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and intentionally ingested 250 micrograms of LSD. This day is now known as "Bicycle Day", because he began to feel the effects of the drug as he rode home on a bike. This was the first intentional LSD trip. Hofmann continued to take small doses of LSD throughout much of his life, and always hoped to find a use for it. In his memoir, he emphasized it as a "sacred drug": "I see the true importance of LSD in the possibility of providing material aid to meditation aimed at the mystical experience of a deeper, comprehensive reality.
Liber 420

Cannabis is a medicinal herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable therapeutic uses
from treating cerebral palsy, stress, glaucome, asthma, cancer symptoms, etc.
Cannabis could replace between 10-20% of prescribed drugs now in use.
Liber 420 Extracts
In a New York flat, on April 20th 1918, as part of an ongo- ing series of invocations and rituals, A magician and his two assistants recorded the following in a diary entry at the start of their night's events:

10.45 [p.m.] Achitha, Therion and Arctean take 1 cc of Hashish. 11.10 Achitha and Arcteon 1 cc Hashish. 11.30 Achitha and Arcteon 1 cc Hashish. Therion was a magical name of the famous British Magician, Aleister Crowley and his assistants Were Roddie Minor, and Charles Stansfeld Jones. Each "cc" signifies a gram ofhashish, which is a considerable amount when in- gestee. In his ritual use of cannabis resins was part of the "Amalantrah Working," a now legendary event in some oc- cult circles, and which took place over a number of months in 1918 while Crowley was living in New York. ge- sides the use of hashish, mescaline was also ingested as part ofthe invocations performed. Liber 420, sees its release on the centennial anniversary of this ritual ingestion of cannabis for magical purposes. Many have seen the use of drugs" such as this as a mere offshoot of the occult tradition, largely popularized by Crowley and his associates in the late 1900's
adherent of that neo-pagan tradition. However, the use of cannabis and Other magickal plants, (ie_ psychoactive, in regards to this study) in magickal practice is as old as the craft itself, and as we shall see there is much cwidence to demonstrate this is the case. This book Will be taking a look at the references to cannabis, and on occasion other magical herbs, in such occult traditions as ceremonial magic, and alcherny, along with its potential role in a variety of diffprent "secret soci- eties," focusing from about the 12th century forward. References to cannabis and hashish in grimoires like The Picatñx and Sepher Roziel: Liber Salomonis, and its use by alchemical figures like 70simos, Avicenna, Ceber, Paracel- sus, Cardano and Rabelais, well be explored in detail. As well as hemp's role in folk magick and witchcraft. Many centuries-old documents Will appear here, translated to English for the first time. lt Will also be shown that the role of cannabis in later european magick and occultism did not magically appear out of thin air, and a number of avenues through which it likely came about Will be explored. The ritual use of cannabis and a variety of other psychoactive substances is much older than these medieval and later accounts, and the ancient origins of the use of cannabis and Others. The role of cannabis in the ancient world was with its nutritious seeds, an important food; and its long, pliable strong stalks a fiber, as well as an early medicine cannabis appears in the oldest pharmacopeias (Russo, 2010); and, importantly for this study, as a magically empowered religious sacrament (Bennett, et. al. , 1995 aennett, 2010) _ Current archaeological evidence for the use of hemp Fbers has been estimated, based on hemp cloth fragments 12,000 years old, and much older tools used for breaking hemp stalk into Fbers, indicate man has been using cannabis for cloth "since 25,000 B.C. at least" (Barber. 1997,) The late Professor Richard E. Schultes of Haruard University, consid- ered the father of modern ethnobotany, believed it was likely, in the search for food, that humanity first discovered cannabis and its protein rich seeds:

Early man experimented with all plant materials that he could chew and could not have avoided discov- ering the properties of cannabis (marijuana), for in his quest for seeds and oil, he certainly ate the sticky tops of the plant. Upon eating hemp, the euphoric, ecstatic and hallucinatory aspects may have intro- duced man to the other-worldly plane from which emerged religious beliefs, perhaps even the concept of deity. The plant became accepted as a special Gift ofthe gods, a sacred medium for communion with the spiritual World and as such it has remained in some cultures to the present (Schultes, 1973).
DMT The Spirit Molecule.
-DMT is a Schedule I Hallucinogen
It is manufactured in our brains
It is one of the most poerful psychedelics known
It can be found almost anywhere.
DMT is a Tryptamine and so it is LSD, LSD is a laboratory invention is a chemical
modification of an ergal alchaloide but in terms o their pharmacology their quite
similar both impact the serotonin receptors of the brain through which most people
propose their effects.
The main difference is that DMT is quite short acting and LSD is quite long acting
but in the spectrum of their effects their quite powerful in terms of the perception
and cognitive responses.
There's evidence suggesting that almost any living being have the chemical
to produce Dimethyltryptamine.
Any living organism produces Tryptophan which is an aminoacid
that is produced daily.
So the idea behing the alchemy us that Tryptophan is converted into
another aminoacid call acid decarboylase then into a tryptamine to
eventually be transform into Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
My personal entry to the realm of the infinite (DMT REALM)

My first Contact with Changa:
It was a Tuesday afternoon, arriving to my friend’s apartment I was feeling kind of dizzy and nervous cause what it was about to happen, which was smoking Changa (special blend of herbs that essentially is DMT ) when I finally got the pipe in my hands and as soon as I smoke the changa, it had a very strange taste and smell, and a mix of feelings and sensations and I started to see how a big scarlet mandala was wrapping my whole spectrum of vision as well as different geometric patterns and the only thing I could say was “ NO MAMES” (Holy shit) it was very overwhelming, soon enough the visuals became less intense and I started to came down. I walk for a bit and then I decided to lay down on this cool rocking chair that made the experience even more intense, the second time I hit the pipe soon after the fractals and geometry kick in but less intense, then I decided to take a third hit, and this time my friend told me if I smoke it right and the second he says that and I put away the pipe, I saw my hands and they break into these intense pixel and geometry patterns and immediately I lay down on the chair and even though I had some racing thoughts a flow with the experience.

I came down and walk for a while over the apartment and talk with my friend of more mundane things. Then for the forth hit my friend propose to me to take a small and moderate hit and immediately take a second long hit, and as soon as I took that second hit, the whole notion of the conceptual perception of reality break down, and I remember I saw this very intense merkabah before me and the reality of being in an apartment, went to shit literally I was in another dimension of this geometry that I have never seen before, fractals and suddenly the medicine hit on a subconscious spot and I broke down in tears, my friend immediately burn down some palo santo incense and he told me that’s it where it hurts, let it flow, physically I felt this coldness all over, it’s hard for the intellectual mind.
to try and explain a psychedelic experience like this, an internal voice was trying to control the “trip” and another was like this is what you’re looking for… I saw my friend and I saw him in this form almost alien like, full of fractals and mandalas I look over the floor and it was and endless geometry patters a feeling of I’m everything and some feeling that the dimension I was is the place we came from and where we will return after this experience ends, slowly the intensity wear down and this words pop in my mind: Don’t be afraid, flow, let go, you are everything…..

Well personally i feel very inclined to question and ask, like Dennis Mckenna in this quote, he pretty much sum it up:
"So this makes no sense, if the war on drugs is not about protecting people from this
"harmful" substances, what is it about?, why? are these substances illegal?
Is about control, control what people can think, the control of experience?
Is the state irrigating itself to the point where it says: Certain states
Of consciousness are allowed and other states of consciosness are not
Allowed and that's what this is all about.
This is Cognitive Liberty.
Is the state saying. -Hey don't go there because if you take this entheogen, this
psychedelic, youre going to have funny ideas and funny ideas are very dangerous
specially if they don't fit in with what were saying, should be kind of like a
cultural zetgeist, that's the danger of psychedelics taht actually cause people
to question the cultural paradigms."
-Dennis Mckenna.-
All we nedd to do is start the war on education. If It's anywhere near as succesful
as our war on drugs. In no time we'll all be hooked on phonics.
Leighlan Lord-
Potentially Psychedelics drugs could be for psychology what the telescope
Became for the science of astronomy.
-Terence Mckenna-
I highly reccomend this books about the subject:
You can watch this documentary :
Or even watch this mexican film about a group of friends and their first psychedelic experiences.
Link to watch the film just click on the poster below: