In this paradigm we will view the Qliphoth as emanations of the demonic
couple, Lucifer and Lilith. In other theories the demonic rulers of
the Nightside are Samael and Lilith, and sometimes Lilith and
Lucifer/Samael are believed to be one and the same being—two faces of
the same force behind the whole Dark Tree. In the philosophy of the
Temple of Ascending Flame, Lucifer is the gateway to the Current of
the Dragon and the symbol of Deified Soul, the patron god of the Draconian
self-initiatory path. He is the solar, illuminating force that has
been fueling the evolution of human consciousness since the birth of
mankind. He is Force, Fire, and Fury. He empowers and elevates the Initiate
through his fiery pillar of Ascent. His primal solar energy empowers
the subtle body of the Initiate, filling it with his timeless essence, the
Flame that powers up the human desire of Transcendence, the vehicle of
all evolution. His female counterpart in the Draconian initiatory magic is
Lilith. She is Passion, Desire, and Seduction. She seduces souls and lures
them from Light into the Nightside, the averse side of the Tree, awakens
lust and hunger for knowledge and power that only grows with each step
on the path, and ignites the spark of Divinity which progressively becomes
the Flame of Ascent. It is the Fire of Transformation, the very
essence of Godhood. Together they rule the whole Qliphothic Tree:
Samael/Lucifer from his Throne in Thaumiel, and Lilith—appearing at
each level of the Tree, acting as a guide and initiator on Lucifer’s path of
flames. She seduces the Initiate in order to release the Dragon force
Within. Like the Kundalini force that awakens consciousness and liberates
it from bonds of ignorance, Lilith liberates the soul from illusions of
the flesh and awakens the desire of Transcendence. She and Lucifer can
be compared to two snakes that constitute the Tantric concept of the
Kundalini: Ida—the lunar feminine force, and Pingala—the solar mascu-line
Current. They rise from the sexual center at the base of the spine, ascending
through the spinal column and merging in ecstasy in the Third
Eye, the center of awakened consciousness. The image of their union and
the encircling force is Leviathan, the principle of continuity and timeless
existence. The ritual that opens each set of workings provided in this
book is centered on these three archetypes of Self-Deification: Lucifer—
the Lord of Flames, Force of Evolution and Ascent; Lilith—the Draconian
Fire of Transformation, Principle of Passion and Desire; and
Leviathan—the Dragon of the Void, Primal Source of all Manifestation.

The work with the dark side of the Qabalah is a process that embraces
and reintegrates each aspect of existence, opening access to the
very source of primal power. The Tree of Qliphoth is a working initiatory
model that leads to Self-Deification and empowerment. The particular
Qliphothic realms can be viewed as actual worlds or states of consciousness.
These, however, are rather conceptions than actual structures, and
what we see and experience in these spheres is a projection of our consciousness.
Each initiatory level is different for each adept and there are
never two identical forms of experience. The purpose of constructing
such an initiatory model is to provide a system, or a “map,” which will
help the Initiate progress through successive levels in a systematic way.
Otherwise, we would lose ourselves in these dark and chaotic worlds.
These realms have to be explored one by one and their powers embraced
and absorbed successively. This does not mean that we cannot work e.g.
with Thaumiel while we have just been initiated into the mysteries of
Gamaliel or another level below the highest sphere. We can. But with
our limited skills and present level of magical development, we will only
be able to experience a small percentage of the total power that awaits us
on more advanced levels. It will be a mere glimpse into these realms and
what they hold. If we approach them successively, according to a structured
initiatory model, we will have access to all the power and we will
gain powerful allies among gods and spirits that manifest through these
-Excerpts from "Qliphotic Meditations" By Asenath Mason.