"One has to distrust in the visions, the callings, the celestial or infernal voices that in one single moment, call you to commit acts of a chaotic nature. Only a true magickal experience is valid in the way which that experience behaves and implements a gradually vital development of your own egoic entity; that is to say it elevates you."
- Héctor Escobar Gutiérrez -

We live in a day and age which the acces to occult knowledge is easier than any other time in history. Many different people walking different magickal paths, there's still the danger of falling pray to different "Gods", "Angels" "Demons that must of the times those voices come from none other than ourselves. Those who walk the magickal paths are walking a thin line between insanity and dementia meaning that if you walk too much off balance you are in risk of losing your "Sanity" This is why is necessary to have a lucid mind and a sharp and strong will To fall pray into false ego perceptions Is so easy and factual that anyone (from the one who's staring his path to more experienced adepts) can loose themselves in their own psique in consequence one can lose sight the thin line between the consensus reality and self made illusions. Distorting completely the vision of the world around us, falling into fantasies of all kind and acts that are far from being acts out of consequence of study and practice of magick and occultism. We all are exposed to this even experience practitioners, and the only way of avoid this is to be fully aware and cautious in our own searchings and personal paths meaning: Holding steady and heading north. Always striving for discernment in our quests.
This is a translation from Mateo J @ https://www.instagram.com/ecosdelabismo/
Artist of the illustration: Dragos Bagia.
From my own experience the magician can be aware of the true intentions of it's own instincts, intuitions and toughts, if you hear a "voice" thats is telling you to do something that affects to third parties without a reason, or something that go against your personal principles and perceptions, you can explore it as a manifestation of your egoic self or shadow self to avoid to fall into the old well known "The devil made me do it"
It's easy to blame others for our own actions, but in my personal experience actually connecting with this ancient energies can really guide you and stop you from making a stupid mistake cause of your own Ego and shadow. Once again discernment is key.
-Laya Caotics-